Automation and Analysis of Tachograph Data in the Cloud
Tachograph data handling from driver cards and digital tachograph requires specific activities that are repetitive and have predefined timelines. The data is used to prepare official reports, and provide notifications in case of any violations, which makes this process ideal for automation.
Specifics of tachograph data and how TachoLab deals with it

TachoLab dashboard
One of the main requirements for tachograph data is for it to be accessible from different devices and locations. Based on these requirements and the need to access data about driving times, rest periods, violations and their analysis, the best solution is a cloud-based service. All that the user needs are internet and access to a browser or mobile application. Layered or restricted access is easily enabled based on different user types (driver, admin, etc.).
When a user logs in to the application, they immediately get access to:
- tachograph data, download due dates, time restrictions, and any wrong or missing entries,
- warnings about possible issues that could appear if tachograph download process is not performed correctly.
It is important to be able to see the activities and their exact due dates, which are specified by regulations for tachograph data download. Monitoring and controlling data downloads in order to be within the regulations is the next necessary step. Driver cards and digital tachograph downloads, tachograph inspections, and violations by drivers are all included in TachoLab. The platform takes into account all the regulations in the area of driver working times and tachograph handling.
Tachograph data analysis and in-time error detection
It is very important for a user to have all the necessary information in order to detect issues and minimize company risk. By law violations are grouped into categories based on their seriousness. This is used to calculate risk score. TachoLab is a useful tool to include in the process of rewarding drivers based on actionable data. In case a pattern of similar violations is detected with a number of company drivers, driver education can specific and to the point.

TachoLab categories
A user can focus on different categories of data:
- drivers,
- vehicles,
- reports.
Tachograph data analysis for drivers via TachoLab provides:
- overview of the complete driver workforce,
- details for every driver.
With driver activities a user is interested in what vehicles were used during a specific time period and where the driver was at the time. This information help determining travel allowance pay-outs, which ultimately affect the company’s bottom line. The most important is a detailed look of individual drivers and their activities. Driving times, rest periods, violations, and errors that occurred on the tachograph.

TachoLab details
Cards are exchanged, lost or stolen on a regular basis. Ensuring traceability of driver card data through card changes is a necessary aspect of a platform that handles tachograph data. When a driver leaves, a company has to be able to access the driver’s historical data. Equally important is access to information about company vehicles – licence plates, VIN numbers, scheduled tachograph inspections, and tachograph models. For each vehicle, a user has access to detailed information about the vehicle, its’ tachograph and its’ history. Events such as violating the speed limit set on the tachograph are shown. For a company each violation is a risk. TachoLab provides the data so a company can act accordingly.

TachoLab mobile app
Tachograph data and activities review in the hands of the driver
Automation of tachograph data download in TachoLab, allows drivers access to all the information about their activities via their smartphone.
Information about daily and weekly driving times, rest periods compared with time limits set forth by regulations is a powerful tool for drivers to organize their work. With all the relevant information at their disposal it is easier to stay within the rules and avoid unnecessary fines. Drivers are always notified when violations occur. They can see the type, seriousness, and the exact time of the violation. This way the driver knows exactly what they did and how to prevent it in the future.
Working time records and activities reports
TachoLab reports present a high added value in the process of automation. They are configured based on most common practice and include predefined parameters set forth by the regulations. The reports can either be accessed directly from the web application or they can be configured to automatically be sent to a specified email address. The purpose of implementing automation is to comply with the regulations, to satisfy high company standards, and to improve the working environment. TachoLab gives a company the tools to do so.
Reports such as Work time summary by driver, which includes daily driving time, rest period duration, and other useful information give the user control on a daily basis. Combining daily detailed reports with weekly and monthly reports can simply the process for travel allowances, wages, and more. Reports such as driver downloads, vehicle downloads, tachograph calibrations give the company insights that help them comply with all the regulations in the area of tachograph data handling. In the event of delays a user can act immediately and with effect

TachoLab reports