Sledenje International AI – fleet management for road transport companies
Sledenje International AI is a fleet management solution specifically designed for companies involved in international road transport. Tachograph data, truck-specific navigation, written communication, fuel-probe monitoring, and additional sensor parameters all readily accessible through one interface.
Instant access to driver status and easy transport planning
Get a simple and complete view into driver availability on a daily, weekly, and 14-day basis with a brand new TACHO module. It offers a precise and transparent look into driving hours and rest periods of each individual driver in your fleet. This can help you significantly reduce the risk of receiving any unnecessary fines due to violations, which can be substantial. Included in the module:

Online tacho data
Tacho data-baloon
Online TACHO data for all your drivers, which is realistic and precise. Compared to the actual data, it is of only by a maximum of 2 minutes on a daily basis and 28 minutes on a 14-day basis,
- Automatic download of data from digital tachographs and driver cards to your office remotely. The new module guarantees a transfer of TACHO data in a matter of minutes, 2-6 to be exact. The download can be setup and performed automatically on a preferred day.
Combining data as ETA (estimated time of arrival), EDA (estimated distance till arrival), location of all your transport vehicles, TACHO download, online TACHO data ensures your business optimal conditions for transport and fleet operations.
Communication and Navigation

Truck-specific navigation
Easy and accessible communication is vital for success of road transport companies. The new communication module, enables direct office to driver communication as well as driver to driver. Nowadays, since the legislation regarding phone use while driving is becoming more and more strict, this matters even more. For example, in Italy a foreign driver caught using their phone while driving, can be banned from driving on Italian roads for up to two months.
The solution includes an android tablet with the SDASH app for sending text messages, locations, and routes combined with a truck navigation, that is adjusted specifically for road transport vehicles and companies.

Sdash communication
Safety and analysis

Fuel probe monitoring
Did you know that fuel expenses represent 40 to 45% of all expenses for road transport companies? That is a fact, which we cannot affect drastically, but what we can change is the fact that 20 to 25% of all fuel is lost due to theft. This can be achieved by having the right information readily available at the right time.
The solution for road transport includes fuel probes for constant monitoring of fuel levels, refuel amounts, and fuel consumption, even when the vehicle is without contact. It acts as a sensor that can detect fuel theft in the field. In the event of fuel theft your office is instantly made aware of it via an alert within the system. This information can be used to better protect your assets on the road in the future. Statistically if you can only prevent around 20% of all fuel theft, your company receives a 100% ROI in as little as 2 to 3 months.
Additional solutions for road transport
Sledenje International AI solution includes online temperature and humidity monitoring as well as CanFMS data monitoring for control, analysis, and improvement of driving behavior. All together the solutions helps you to lower expenses, achieve optimal transport efficiency and improve the quality of your service.
Send us an inquiry or contact our sales team directly and together we will achieve your OPTIMUM!