A collection of frequently asked questions from potential clients
Does Sledenje.com work in any country?
Sledenje.com is operational worldwide. You can track your vehicles live and receive complete vehicle or transport history from anywhere you have access to data (EU package, worldwide package, etc.).
Besides vehicle location, what else does the system Sledenje.com offer?
Besides basic information such as location, speed, and address the system allows tracking and reviewing sensor data about cargo temperature, driver ID, fuel levels, intervention lights, cargo ramps, and more. Additionally, it provides direct communication between vehicles and the office plus a navigation systems.
Can we track trailers seperately with the system Sledenje.com?
Yes, we offer a special system for trailer identification and tracking, that allows you to know exactly which trailer is on which vehicle.
Is it possible to connect the system Sledenje.com with other information systems (SAP, ERP,...)?
Yes, we do this via web services (WS), that allow the integration of the system Sledenje.com with other information systems.
How many users can access the system simultaneously?
The system allows up to 10 users to access your user interface, each with different level of access based on their responsibilities.
Does the system provide an option for an electronic travel order?
Yes, for that purpose we have an individual software solution “Travel order” that is fully integrated with the system Sledenje.com. It allows you to formulate and print travel orders electronically.
What kind of analysis can we do with the obtained data from the system Sledenje.com?
For this purpose, we have a reporting system for all our clients with over 20 standardized reports allowing you to analize:
- Completed routes
- Vehicle mileage
- Stop/break locations
- Vehicle usage
- Driver efficiency
- Hours of operation
- POI visits (clients, distribution centers, work sites, etc.)
- Average fuel consumption
- And more…
When using the reporting system, you have the option of subscribing to automatic reports on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis.
What is the procedure for hardware installation?
Our technical support performs installations based on a predetermined agreement with our clients (date, time, location). The average installation time of the onboard unit is 30 min. The unit is mounted under the vehicles dashboard, where it does not bother the drivers and it is connected directly to the battery.
How big is the GPS unit?
The unit is similar in size to a mobile phone.
Is the installation of GPS tracking units into company vehicles legally permitted?
Yes, the installation is permitted by any government regulation and guidelines. We do recommend all our clients to change the company guidelines accordingly.
Why choose the system Sledenje.com and not any other provider?
Our competitive advantages are:
- Tradition (over 15 years of experience in the field of fleet management),
- We have our own vector cartography base and servers, resulting in precise data and analysis,
- We offer our clients 24/7 customer support,
- Reliability and consistency of our system operations,
- Internal R&D department,
- Internal system monitoring (weekly automatic reviews of all GPS units in service),
- The ability to customize the system based on individual clients.