Five pieces of advice for better fleet management
All too often companies and their employees overlook how important it is to have complete control over your fleet. Whether it happens due to the lack of time or lack of will, does not really matter because the end result is the same; lower quality of service, higher expenses, and ultimately worse business performance.
At Sledenje d.o.o. our main goal is to help companies improve their fleet management process so that they can build their business further.
- Ensuring company vehicles for employees. Having just enough vehicles to handle your region of operations is vital for success. Before you buy a vehicle, you should always perform an analysis that tells you whether you need more vehicles or not. Route planner – Optimization is a great tool we can analyze all necessary data to prepare an optimal strategic move for your company.
- Proper maintenance of vehicles. Successful fleet management relies on consistency. Vehicle availability is one of the most important things and any unnecessary breakdowns due to improper maintenance affect your productivity in a negative way. In our fleet management solution, the vehicle maintenance module provides an online book keeping of past services and future maintenance requirements
- Do not try and save with cheaper tires. Low quality tires result in dangerous driving conditions and every accident that occurs because of that means extra expenses that could have been avoided. Not to mention that such behavior is very irresponsible.
- How to lower fleet mileage? Every company tries to minimize the mileage done by the fleet of vehicles but due to habits of employees rarely actually do so. The bigger the fleet the bigger the savings can be. With our tool, Route planner – Optimization, we help companies optimize their daily routes, schedules and load distribution ultimately leading to lower mileage and fewer expenses.
- Lower fuel consumption – Eco drive. The fact is that fuel usually represents 14-28 % of all fleet expenses. After depreciation that is the biggest expense of your fleet. Based on research and field analysis we determined that with eco friendly driving the difference is:
- Around 1.5 liters per 100 km.
- At 4000 km that means a monthly difference of 60 litres netting approximately 72 EUR.
- In one years that is around 1000 EUR per one vehicle.
Hopefully you have gained a better understanding for what is necessary for successful fleet management in this article and feel free to contact us, as we would love to advise you in person.